14,90 €
Manufacturer: CONSTRUCT & CREATE
Store Code: 453966
Ages: 8+ ετών
Βarcode: 5055371512794
MPN: 52188
Availability: Available after 4 days

Every child's dream: a 4X4 car powered by drops of seawater.
A smart way to learn about mechanics and different forms of fuel.
This fantastic 4×4 comes in kit form.
It's easy to build and runs with 4-5 drops of salt water added to the magnesium circuits of its V8 engine!
Suitable for children aged 10 and over.
An excellent example of a green energy and learning environment friendly concept.
It stands out because:
      It is easy to assemble
      It works only with sea water and does not need batteries
      Suitable for ages 8 and up
      Dimensions 3.46 X 2.17 X 4.65 cm
      Non-toxic and environmentally friendly

Available after 4 days

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